Bible vs. Book of Mormon
considered the Mormon Bible, the Book of Mormon is a very misunderstood book. First,
it isn’t the Mormon Bible. They are alike in a few ways however.
- They are grammatically structured very similarly
- They contain a story that happens in Jerusalem
- They contain accounts of prophets that are called by God
- Christ is not only mentioned but appears in both texts
- They hold an account of the people of God
- They teach the doctrine of God
are they different…. That is a very long list because you can mention all the
different prophets and stories and events, etc. But here is the biggest detail
of how they are different.
history of the Bible includes the original writers of the books within the
text. The Bible is basically the notes, journals and records kept by the people
who followed god, or in some cases didn’t follow his teaching, piled into one
big religious text book. Now as most people know, the Bible wasn’t always
readily available for anyone seeking the word of god after its complete
compilation (old and/or new testament). Pastors, priests, popes and other
religious heads were the only ones with the literacy knowledge and access to
read and study these books. Being human, they all had flaws. If one were the
only person to view the important text and preach it to the masses, they could
interpret the Bible any way they wish. They can even claim messages to come
from the book (even if they don’t) just to fit whatever belief or theory they
have, true or not.
like with any poetic text or quote or any group of words really, there can be
multiple meanings derived. While a young child can read the phrase “Tom looked
at the blue curtains and cried” and get “A man looked at curtains then
proceeded to cry” while an educated scholar will understand that the blue
curtains represent the sadness in Tom’s life. Tom realizes this and begins to
cry to release all those emotions.” While both meanings are true, they mean
different things to different people depending on age, experience, and even the
circumstances that they read that passage.
of the multiple interpretations of a single passage and the changing or adding
of passages to the Bible to fit one’s own beliefs or theories, there came many
versions of the Bible. More came into existence when the Bible was able to be
mass printed for the world. Translations came about. Those translations can be
edited through the straining of multiple languages. If one were to take a
passage from the Bible in Hebrew, translate that into Egyptian, translate that
into Greek, then into Spanish, then French, Latin, German and then back into
Hebrew, the passage will be completely altered with the original meaning all
twisted around or lost completely.
versions of the Bible have been published to try an eradicate all the lost
meanings that have come about because of the translating errors and preachers
altered copies. All of this has caused over 100,000 versions of the Bible to be
translated and published.
so many versions of the Bible and so many different yet similar sects of
Christianity, which version is the original. Which translation of the Bible is
the most like what the was written down by Moses, Samuel, the apostles, and
other prophets with their original meanings still intact? Hard game to navigate,
the many versions of the Bible are similar in many ways, there are lots of big
differences between verses along with small ones as well that change the
message originally intended by God. It is the same with the sects of
Christianity. There is the constant belief in heaven, but the difference in who
gets to go to heaven and how one and get to heaven. All this confusion can
cause many to explore different sects and even religions to see which one they
believe to be the intended gospel and teaching of God and Jesus. Some may even
not claim one religion and study different versions of the scripture to decide
for themselves what they wish to believe in.
confusion was evident in a young 14-year-old boy living Manchester New York. I
will talk about him more in a second. For now, let’s go into the history of the
Book of Mormon text.
Book Of Mormon
the Book of Mormon was also written by many prophets called by god, but this
time, they all inhabited a land which is now called the Americas. So while the Bible is the account of God’s
people in Jerusalem and its surrounding counties (the old land) the Book of
Mormon is an account of the people in the Americas (the new land). Just like
the Bible, it contains multiple books written by different people that was all
joined together into one book. But while speculations arise with the Bible as
to who was the person that combined all those journals and records together
into one book and if any other journals and records were not included for other
speculated reasons, the Book of Mormon in fact, has that very information
within its own text.
were many records kept in a few different languages and on either paper or brass
plates. There was a general and a prophet of God by the name of Mormon. He
lived many years after Christ, (so there is an account of Christ and his
teachings in the Book of Mormon). He was tasked by his mentor to continue the
work of compiling those journals and records together. He would trust in the
lord and follow revelation given to him about what records to add into this
compilation and what to leave out. The things that were added in where only
what was important to God to have known to the future generations that would read
this text (cough us cough). So, things such as, “I’m Daniel and today I met
this beautiful girl names Sarah who has the prettiest hair and eyes and her
smile is just gorgeous and I wish I could kiss her and marry her. Hey Daniel
again, turned out that Sarah wasn’t very nice so I am now in love with this
other girl named Tanya…” were left out because they have no significance to the
truths that God wants his children to know.
completed a lot of work in compiling those important journals and text, but he
died before it was completed. His son, Moroni, was the one to not only complete
that work, but was also the last surviving person of his people, the Nephites
(see Chapter 9 of the Book of Moroni in The Book of Mormon). Once the book was
completed Moroni traveled long and far to be able to keep that record safe from
anyone that would wish to destroy it before it could reach the future
generations that would need it’s teaching and information (cough cough US cough
cough). He buried it in the ground along with a few other spiritual artifacts
of his people and soon died.
forward to 1820. Many different Christian religions are preaching similar yet
vastly different doctrines. A 14 year old boy by the name of Joseph Smith Jr.,
living in Manchester New York, is confused by the “war of words” (verse 10 of
Joseph Smith – History in the Pear of Great Price). He studies the words of God
in his family’s copy of the Bible, prays, studies and counsels with different
religious leaders and studies and studies and studies to find the answer to
which Christian sect was the correct one, the one that was uses the true word
of God and nothing else.
after a wondrous experience involving God, Christ, and prayer, (see verses
14-20 of Joseph Smith-History in the Pearl of Great Price for the full story of
what happened to Joseph in 1820.) Joseph received revelation that none of the
sects of the Christian church were correct. In fact, the true and FULL gospel
and teaching of Christ and God didn’t exist in any of the religions that were
on the earth.
proceeded to join none of the churches in his youth. But in the year 1823
(three years after Joseph received that revelation) he was visited by the angel
Moroni late at night (yes the same Moroni who finished the Book or Mormon and
hid it in the ground).
Moroni revealed to Joseph that there was a record of the people that once lived in the Americas (his people). Moroni continued to tell Joseph where the record was buried (Shocker! It is a hill or drumlin in Manchester, the town in which Joseph lived). While Joseph was told of this book and its location, he was even taken to the site as well, it would be many years before he would be allowed to take the record from its resting place and begin the proper translation of the records into English.
Moroni revealed to Joseph that there was a record of the people that once lived in the Americas (his people). Moroni continued to tell Joseph where the record was buried (Shocker! It is a hill or drumlin in Manchester, the town in which Joseph lived). While Joseph was told of this book and its location, he was even taken to the site as well, it would be many years before he would be allowed to take the record from its resting place and begin the proper translation of the records into English.
that I have laid out the history of the each book, let’s compare.
Bible when through many translations and editing’s before it was mass produced
to the public after its final compilation. Who compiled it is unknown. Why is
unknown and if other such records were not included is unknown. There are many
people who contribute to the multiple versions of this sacred religious text.
Which version is correct is a frequently asked question about the book.
Book of Mormon was translated directly from its original language to English
through the power of God (so it’s the real true word). Who compiled the
original text is known (mostly Mormon). It is known that there are a lot of
other records that were not included because they were not as important to God
for future followers (US) to learn and understand. The frequently asked
questions about the book isn’t whether which version of the book is true
(because there is only one version that has been properly translated into
multiple languages from its original source). The question that is asked about
the book is “Is the Book of Mormon true?”
is more detail as to the history of the Book of Mormon and its history isn’t
messy and results in many, many, many, versions of the text unlike the Bible.
this mean the Bible isn’t true? Do Mormons even read the Bible and follow its
an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka
Mormon) I can tell you that I own a copy of both the Bible and the Book of
Mormon and I read both when studying the gospel.
Smith once wrote a letter to John Wentworth explaining, very simply, the Mormon
religion’s basic beliefs. They are called the Articles of Faith. The young
children have fun throughout their youth trying to memorize these articles.
Just like memorizing Bible verses, memories the 13 Articles of Faith can help
children, teens, and even adult tell other about what they believe.
8th Article of Faith goes as follows:
believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly;
we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
key point that is made is that while the Book of Mormon IS the word of God, the
Bible is only the word of God when it is TRANSLATED CORRECTLY.
which version do Mormons believe is the most true. Key word most, Joseph still
when back through the Bible with the power of God and added foots notes and
even full true translations/corrections to it in an appendix of the Bible that
can be purchased through any LDS associated store (mainly Deserate Book). The
version of the Bible that I own is the King James Version with the added
footnotes and correct translations/corrections made by the Prophet Joseph
know, Stokes, this is all great to know, but how do you even know the Book of Mormon
and that version of the Bible are even true?
question. For one, at the end of the Book of Mormon, Moroni challenges the
reader of the book to seek out the truths for themselves. Don’t just blindly
believe what everyone tells you without proof basically. How do you find proof
of stuff that has no evidence (there is a lot of evidence that the events in
the Book of Mormon are true, I suggest researching that, it’s one of my
favorite topics!) As readers, we are asked to pray with an open heart and mind
about whether or not the book we just finished reading was true or not. I have
done that and felt an over whelming feeling that of course this book is true.
I am not just a blind believer that trusts whatever she sees feels and reads
all the time. No. Throughout school I loved the subject of science. There are truths
about science that I cannot argue with, thus are true. I am a very logical
thinking person. I won’t believe something unless I understand it and it is
very, very, logical. So why do I believe that this silly book is true just from
a prayer and a feeling? I don’t. In fact, the first time I actually took that
challenge and prayed about the book after finishing reading it, I not only felt
its truth a but a voice in my head told me “You know it’s true.” I was 17 when
that happened. I had been a member of the church my entire life and I didn’t
fully read the Book of Mormon and pray about its truth until I was 8 months
away from becoming a legal adult. So how did I already know it was true?
One, I have done research on the historical evidence about the truth of the
event of the Book of Mormon such as battles fought, people that lived and so on
(I definitely suggest doing that research!). So logically if these wars
depicted in the book actually happened then the rest of the book should be true
as well. Yes, but not necessarily.
you know that the Bible mentions the people in the Book of Mormon along with
the Book of Mormon its self? Don’t believe it? Read John 10:16. Christ mentions
having other sheep then his followers there in Jerusalem. He will also visit
them. Now, his apostles and followers understood the other sheep which are not
of this fold to be the gentiles surround Jerusalem. But the Bible and history
shows that Christ never visited them. So did Christ just lie?
Christ never lies, it is a sin, and he is sinless.
in the book of 3rd Nephi of the Book of Mormon, Christ ministered
among the people of the America’s (chapters 11-26). He also said a similar line
to the Nephites there.
Nephi 15:21 – And Verily I say unto you, that ye are they of whom I said: Other
sheep I have which are not of this fold;
also explains how his followers depicted in the Bible misinterpreted that line
in verses 22-24
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